The story unfolds against the backdrop of the
Great Game, the conflict between Russia and
Britain in Central Asia. It is set after the second
Afghan War which ended in 1881, but before the
Third War, probably in the period 1893-98.
The novel is notable for its detailed portrait of
the people, culture and varied religions of India.
It presents a vivid picture of India, its teeming
population, religions, superstitions and the life
of the bazaars and the road.
Kim around which the entire story revolves is
the orphaned boy living a vagabond existence in
India under the British rule in the late 19th
century. He earns his living by begging and
running small errands on the streets of Lahore.
As he grows up, he faces various hardships,
experiences tough times and goes on to be
trained in espionage (to be a surveyor). The
author has added each and every flavour of
Indianism to the novel which is worth reading.
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